For cheap parcel delivery to Sri Lanka within just 7-10 days of collection, look no further than Senushipping Parcel UK. We will collect your parcels from home or work for free from only £10 or you can drop off at our warehouse and save additional money.
Senu Shipping to Sri Lanka provides a low-cost, door-to-door air cargo service for affordable cost. Our worldwide parcel delivery service guarantees delivery within 7-10 working days.
We offer shipping services to and from major markets worldwide, including Sri Lanka. Our expertise covers a wide range of goods, including automotive/marine, industrial and construction equipment, home furnishings and garden furniture, fine art, toys, giftware, FMCGs, electrical and audio/visual products, personal and household effects, exhibition/live event & touring cargo and much more.
Our parcel delivery service quotes include customs clearance and all other important key delivery services. This means that any parcel you send to Sri Lanka from the UK will be delivered straight to your doorstep in Sri Lanka. Trust Senushipping for your shipping needs.
Sri Lanka has specific laws that regulate shipments sent from various countries. The United Kingdom, however, is not subject to any of these special circumstances and all shipments from the UK should fall under the general importation rules of Sri Lanka. Senushipping limited will not take any liability of sending prohibited items listed under our terms and conditions page. Please speak to our team if you are unsure about this restricted items information and rules applicable in Sri Lanka custom.
The quickest delivery time we can offer to Sri Lanka is 5-7 working days* if you book an our premium service through our direct bookings team, you will be provided information with expected guaranteed delivery period.
All of the services mentioned above included parcel tracking. with our website and all the way to your door step we will be providing automated email notification message each and every step till your package arrives in Sri Lanka